Lost ark reaper founder skin
Lost ark reaper founder skin

Hunger Reaper is a fast and agile build that is mostly due to having really high Swiftness stacked and movement speed buffs from skills to let her get around encounters hastily but with the trade off survivability if you would to take a couple of hits.

lost ark reaper founder skin

The healing penalty can be punishing for inexperienced players not familiar with boss mechanics.

  • Cursed Doll * provides a significant Attack Power increase at the cost of 25% healing penalty.
  • The engraving is a highly effective damage increase that does not require specific positioning, making it worthwhile even with the penalty.
  • Grudge * increases damage done to bosses while also increasing damage received from bosses.
  • Raid Captain goes really well with this build as you get high movement speed from stacking Swiftness and having movement speed buff from Distortion.
  • Adrenaline is an important engraving for this build to help compensate for the low Crit Rate and it is easy to maintain stacks with having low cooldown skills.
  • Ambush Master synergize really well for reapers as they have really high mobility to stay on the back of targets and all of their skills have Back Attack modifiers.
  • Hunger grants a multiplicative Attack Power increase onto Chaos mode, basically the core of this build.
  • This setup faces problems when content has lots of forced downtime as it does not allow you to keep up with your sustained damage when compared to a more bursty build. This stat distribution will sacrifice a decent chunk of burst as you have lower Specialization stats for your Swoop Skills damage scaling but in return, you get more cooldown reduction to spam even more frequently.
  • High Swiftness Build: Get Swiftness on all accessories and Specialization only from necklace.
  • Standard Build: Balance out 50/50 between Specialization and Swiftness, Specialization stats help scale your Swoop Skills damage while Swiftness provides attack speed and movement speed increase to cast your skill faster and synergize with Raid Captain, It also provides cooldown reduction so you can get your skills out more frequent.
  • Hunger Reapers wants a balance between Specialization and Swiftness stats to maximize damage output as you do not want to activate Persona state since the engraving damage increase is only when you are in Chaos mode which wants you to charge up 2 identity gauge and use your Dagger and Shadow skills to refresh Chaos mode duration.
  • Reminder that Dagger and Shadow skills are the only skills that can refresh Chaos mode duration.
  • Use your Swoop Skills based on situation awareness, so you can get the most out of their utility like using Glowing Brand to reposition to the back of certain bosses while damaging them and Silent Rage doing damage while closing the gap when you're far away.
  • lost ark reaper founder skin

    Since it is also a really low cooldown skill with Quick Prep, cooldown gem and high Swiftness stats, it is the best candidate to pair it with Quick Recharge for a higher chance to get cooldown refresh procs further enabling the build to be even more spammy. Spam Shadow Vortex whenever it's up to reduce the cooldowns of your Swoop Skills and to help maintain Chaos mode duration.Distortion grants movement speed buff to synergize with Raid Captain damage increase before bursting your Swoop Skills.Nightmare and Distortion are your priority skills to use for re-position to the back of bosses as most of your damage comes from back attacking, but they also generate a decent amount of Chaos Gauge if you need to use them to get into Chaos mode quickly.

    Lost ark reaper founder skin full#

    If you have no Gauge at all at the beginning of the encounter, use Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza to get a full gauge of Persona Gauge then use Shadow Storm, Nightmare and Shadow Vortex to quickly get into Chaos mode to activate Hunger engraving for damage increase before you start dishing out damage with your Swoop Skills.So in this case these are the general gameplan and reminders while playing the build:

    Lost ark reaper founder skin